Lame, bro. Colorado has a law set up, but recent petitions are trying to revolk it, with quite sucess I might add. My car wasn't bought in Colorado, and never came with a lisence plate "holder" so, I never bothered with one. And, no front lisence plate is usually only a "compound" ticket where I live, meaning, they can't pull you over just for the soul purpose of that, just adding on to any tickets that you might be recieving at that time. It's pretty weird that your state does that, either your state is an asshole, or your county/city is cracking down on racing (if your teg looks like a ricer). My county tried to do that when I started driving, and pulled me over for going 52 in a 45, and the cop asked me if I had "illegal modifications" and I nearly told him to piss off. haha, but really bro, that blows.