what did you do to your car today?


Finish paying off all my stainless steel lines and fitting for the teg to my builder today.

Today agenda
1. Hunt down my wife transmission.
2. Move my teg parts from my parents garage to another location.
3. Check up on my Integra since I have not seen it in couple of month.


New Member
Put my H.I.Ds in
me too

Drove it to school and back. I hate speed bumps sooo much.
at this one site i work sometimes. The speed-bumps are freaking huge. and every-time i go over them i have to go really slow because if i don't its about a 6 in drop. there's about 7 of them through the whole site.

luckily since it snowed they have removed them.

oh and h.i.d.s installed
and two new pioneer 6x5 in the front.
then next month hopefully doing the back with amp/sub


Real Good!
waiting on my red mirrors that i bought from here :) but i wasnt home to sign for them :(
other wise drove it to work, parked it and let it snow!