Is it just me?


Well-Known Member
This is why I love moderators. I would love to have the option to modify thread titles like that myself.


I's no want yous forcin ur gramer an edumacation on me I did done get school'ed ur not the bozz of my titles!1!111!!!one!1!!!

:thumbs up

Ominous G2

same oh and see what they post about in the mod forum
Don't worry about that second part.... :lol:

Also if you make two threads about the same thing in two different sections, don't be surprised when one of them is no longer there.


the admin and mods get together and pow wow, when they feel like their site is growing for new mods and come up with few new mods.

not saying thats how they do it on this site, but most forums thats how they do it.


Extreme Music Addict
Thread titles seem to automatic change??
No I think Mods just randomly like to troll the forums with their thread titles changing. On a lighter note, they probably just change it for it to understand for others.

Maybe admins just ask personally through messages who is deemed fit for being a moderator when the time comes for more. AKA what whiteteg said. :( sorry for repost.
So x2 to what whiteteg said pretty much.