Is it just me?


New Member
Mods should make a sticky for history. It would be cool to know our moderators roots and why they have a passion for integras. Like a Bio...
Past rides.
Pictures, etc...

I vote



we want to know our mods.


Well-Known Member
Way back in the day we had polls for mods, but now we have enough to democratically pick mods.

Think TegSox, g3teg97, and Speedin, were voted for. After that we started using the democratic method.

Old school status. Wish a couple of these guys would come back.
lol. Pretty sure more votes would get slung nowadays.

Barry won by a huge margin. Mark and Kyle slinked in to mod status there. ;) I assume this was a multi-electamod, or was this one person win, and then Kyle/Mark became mods later?