your integra picture game

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New Member
Haha should be able to get therein a couple hours, its going to be hard to take a pic and get them both ingthere, its prolly going to look like a wall lol but ill see what I can do


New Member
So I took the pix and I'm head n home now... bout 45 min

EDIT: Here's the pix, if I need to get a better one I can go back tomorrow morning but i was driving through and thought Id snag a quick one


Here's the rest of that boulder on the right

And here's two smaller ones going the other way

The one on the right in this pict isnt really a boulder more like a pile of huge stuff

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New Member
Challenge: Your car in front of a BIG Staircase (must be more than 25 steps)


Frequent Blogger

Challenge: Your car in front of a BIG Staircase (must be more than 25 steps)
Thanks for mentioning the 'members rides' in my forumn thread! (I really didnt know of anything like it!)

Well I'll jumping in!... CANNON BAALLL!!!!!!!

Challenge: Your car in front of a BIG Staircase (must be more than 25 steps)[/


Well-Known Member
Wait, did you hop out of the car to take those pictures with a person behind you? Or did some one else take the picture while you were driving?

One of the rules on the first page is no action shots. That means you car must be at a stopped position, without you in the drivers seat, driving.

Saw this on another forum and I thought this would be fun!!


6) Pictures must be taken while OUTSIDE of your car.

8) The following types of challenges are NOT allowed:
-action shots (any pic that the car is moving..see Rule 6)
-challenges involving other people
-duplicate challenges
-illegal challenges
People need to read the rules before creating/completing challenges. I know of at least one that required the owner to be in the car...

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New Member
Seriously, who cares lol. It was a ridonkulous challenge to begin with, so if he had someone else take the picture, that's fine with me, it allows us to keep the game moving because I doubt anyone else was going to get it.


Active Member
Seriously, who cares lol. It was a ridonkulous challenge to begin with, so if he had someone else take the picture, that's fine with me, it allows us to keep the game moving because I doubt anyone else was going to get it.
rules are rules :roll:.


New Member
For the record, the picture actually doesn't break any rules.
It states that the CHALLENGE can't be an action shot (i.e. photo of your car racing around a track) and it states that the picture must be from outside of the vehicle, which it clearly is.
There is nothing stating that the owner must be the one taking the picture and is therefore not allowed to be in the driver's seat at the time of said picture taking.
Case closed, now let's move on.

Challenge: Your car in front of a BIG Staircase (must be more than 25 steps)


Active Member
For the record, the picture actually doesn't break any rules.
It states that the CHALLENGE can't be an action shot (i.e. photo of your car racing around a track) and it states that the picture must be from outside of the vehicle, which it clearly is.
There is nothing stating that the owner must be the one taking the picture and is therefore not allowed to be in the driver's seat at the time of said picture taking.
Case closed, now let's move on.

Challenge: Your car in front of a BIG Staircase (must be more than 25 steps)
mkay you dont need to cry about it. :lol:

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New Member
Well my friend was with me and he hopped in the driver seat when I took the pic so nobody would take my car... I wasn't driving and neither was he, car was off. Sorry to cause problems
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