RS owner
Saw this on another forum and I thought this would be fun!!
Name a place or thing to take a picture with your teg. First person to go out, take, and post the picture, picks the next challenge. The picture must be taken after the challenge is picked. (There are no prizes y'all so have fun and take legit pictures) Try not to make it impossible. No photoshops. If nobody else gets the picture within 1 week, the person that picked it can choose a new one.
New challenge must be picked when picture of the last one was posted. So when you're posting your pic, also include the next challenge after the pic. See Rule 9
paoloDa92 - car in garage. at night. with lights on
ixcocoyxi - car in front of McDonald's play place
Christianeib - car in front of strip/topless club
*jeezer* - car in a drive-thru fast food restaurant
bcartwright88 - car in front of police station
Omarlito21 - car next to $80k+ car
SprchdGS-R - car next to riced-out car
98integraRS - car with sun rising/setting over it
ixcocoyxi - car getting a sun tan at the beach
*the following challenges will be linked when the time is there :thumbs up
Accel.speed - your pet looking like its driving your car
sylvaner01 - grill in your trunk/hatch w/ steak/chicken on grill
rockadilla - your car in an open area with hills or mountains in the background
jcrabb13 - your car filling up at a gas station
sylvaner01 - your car at a university
red.line - fill your car up with $2.00 worth of petrol and take a pic of the receipt
rockadilla - you standing through the sunroof of your integra
klutchDb7 - your car with a skyscraper in the background
bcartwright88 - your integra in front of an amusement park/carnival
omglook - your car next to a huge statue
bradster101 - your integra next to another car with classic or antique tags on it
oppi-10 - your integra next to an old school volkswagen
omglook - your car beside an airplane
bradster101 - your car next to a running water fountain
bradster101 - your integra in between two boulders that are at least twice the size of your car
jznsn2u - your car in front of a big Staircase
sainthavok - your car at a casino
cvc7chris - your car up on a mountain road turn out
whitedc4 - your integra with a hot girl next to it
klutchDb7 - your integra in front of toys r us
bcartwright88 - your integra parked next to a police officer
omglook - your car parked handicapped at a retirement community
overheadJake - your integra in front of krispy kreme with the "hot now" sign on
djh1991 - your car with a fire truck
bradster101 - your integra in front of a speed limit sign that doesnt end in a 5 or a 0
khurley424 - your integra next to an indian statue
klutchDb7 - your car parked next to a ferrari or lamborghini
whitedc4 - your integra getting a hand wash
klutchDb7 - your integra in the background of a honda toy car
cvc7chris - your integra in front of an antique shop
mojave3555 - stick noted integra
whitedc4 - your integra next to a modded car
arnel94 - your integra next to your plate of food
pending - integra generation line up
1) The picture must be taken AFTER the challenge is picked.
2) After 3 days, the person who made the challenge can post their own picture and pick another topic.
3) If a challenge is not met after 1 week a new topic is picked by the previous challenger winner.
4) If a pic is in dispute, it needs 3 yes votes to be accepted.
5) After any comment, please put the current challenge at the bottom so everyone can stay up to date.
6) Pictures must be taken while OUTSIDE of your car.
7) Pictures must be taken AFTER the challenge. Rare exceptions such as pictures taken on the said day BEFORE the challenge may be accepted only by 3 acceptance votes.
8) The following types of challenges are NOT allowed:
-action shots (any pic that the car is moving..see Rule 6)
-challenges involving other people
-duplicate challenges
-illegal challenges
9) If a picture has been posted but a new challenge has not been picked, the current challenge is still active until (a)new challenge has been picked or (b) another member posts another picture satisfying the challenge and picks a new challenge.
Remember y'all, the intention of this game is to get out there and drive and have fun
With that said, I'll start with an easy one..Let us begin
teg in the garage. at night. with the headlights on
Name a place or thing to take a picture with your teg. First person to go out, take, and post the picture, picks the next challenge. The picture must be taken after the challenge is picked. (There are no prizes y'all so have fun and take legit pictures) Try not to make it impossible. No photoshops. If nobody else gets the picture within 1 week, the person that picked it can choose a new one.
New challenge must be picked when picture of the last one was posted. So when you're posting your pic, also include the next challenge after the pic. See Rule 9
paoloDa92 - car in garage. at night. with lights on
ixcocoyxi - car in front of McDonald's play place
Christianeib - car in front of strip/topless club
*jeezer* - car in a drive-thru fast food restaurant
bcartwright88 - car in front of police station
Omarlito21 - car next to $80k+ car
SprchdGS-R - car next to riced-out car
98integraRS - car with sun rising/setting over it
ixcocoyxi - car getting a sun tan at the beach
*the following challenges will be linked when the time is there :thumbs up
Accel.speed - your pet looking like its driving your car
sylvaner01 - grill in your trunk/hatch w/ steak/chicken on grill
rockadilla - your car in an open area with hills or mountains in the background
jcrabb13 - your car filling up at a gas station
sylvaner01 - your car at a university
red.line - fill your car up with $2.00 worth of petrol and take a pic of the receipt
rockadilla - you standing through the sunroof of your integra
klutchDb7 - your car with a skyscraper in the background
bcartwright88 - your integra in front of an amusement park/carnival
omglook - your car next to a huge statue
bradster101 - your integra next to another car with classic or antique tags on it
oppi-10 - your integra next to an old school volkswagen
omglook - your car beside an airplane
bradster101 - your car next to a running water fountain
bradster101 - your integra in between two boulders that are at least twice the size of your car
jznsn2u - your car in front of a big Staircase
sainthavok - your car at a casino
cvc7chris - your car up on a mountain road turn out
whitedc4 - your integra with a hot girl next to it
klutchDb7 - your integra in front of toys r us
bcartwright88 - your integra parked next to a police officer
omglook - your car parked handicapped at a retirement community
overheadJake - your integra in front of krispy kreme with the "hot now" sign on
djh1991 - your car with a fire truck
bradster101 - your integra in front of a speed limit sign that doesnt end in a 5 or a 0
khurley424 - your integra next to an indian statue
klutchDb7 - your car parked next to a ferrari or lamborghini
whitedc4 - your integra getting a hand wash
klutchDb7 - your integra in the background of a honda toy car
cvc7chris - your integra in front of an antique shop
mojave3555 - stick noted integra
whitedc4 - your integra next to a modded car
arnel94 - your integra next to your plate of food
pending - integra generation line up
1) The picture must be taken AFTER the challenge is picked.
2) After 3 days, the person who made the challenge can post their own picture and pick another topic.
3) If a challenge is not met after 1 week a new topic is picked by the previous challenger winner.
4) If a pic is in dispute, it needs 3 yes votes to be accepted.
5) After any comment, please put the current challenge at the bottom so everyone can stay up to date.
6) Pictures must be taken while OUTSIDE of your car.
7) Pictures must be taken AFTER the challenge. Rare exceptions such as pictures taken on the said day BEFORE the challenge may be accepted only by 3 acceptance votes.
8) The following types of challenges are NOT allowed:
-action shots (any pic that the car is moving..see Rule 6)
-challenges involving other people
-duplicate challenges
-illegal challenges
9) If a picture has been posted but a new challenge has not been picked, the current challenge is still active until (a)new challenge has been picked or (b) another member posts another picture satisfying the challenge and picks a new challenge.
Remember y'all, the intention of this game is to get out there and drive and have fun
With that said, I'll start with an easy one..Let us begin
teg in the garage. at night. with the headlights on
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