noob spam posters. wtf


Unregistered User
5 posts wouldn't be bad... can you set it that low?

and also make it so it's any 5 post? Then bring back the "N00bz thread"

They say "Hi, my name is **** and I love my integra" for 5 posts, then can make their introduction thread

Jay Jay

Staff member
I added some new spam tools. Hopefully they will help cut down on the spam.


Super Moderator
It doesnt do any good to delete the threads without banning the spammers. They just come back and do it again.
That's what we've been doing. Now we're perma-banning them by IP Address and User Name so there is no repeat users on the same IP


Super Moderator
I've banned everyone who's posted a spam thread that I've seen. I've also banned a ton of people that never even posted spam. I just look at the "Currently Active Users" list at the bottom of the forum index and ban all spammers. You can tell who they are. They always have funky names and there profile lists the car the same as the user name