so in now 23, dont feel that much older and now the harsh reality of my world is coming to crashing hault...., i now have to pay $157 every 2 weeks for the next 18 0r so yrs for a lil girl who i will never see or get to see because she lives 1600 miles away from me, plus $75 every 2 weeks for 2 party insurance the fiance is most likely going to go live with her bro in nevada leaving me with a 450 slpit share on rent on our apt, her mom is covering the other half, leaving all the bills to me seeing as how they were already in my name to begin with..... the only good thing to come out of this which is also bad is her other bro is going to take over paymnents on the BMW so its no longer my fiancial responsibility bad thing is now i will most likely get 3-4 of sleep a day if that because of the 2 full time jobs i will now have to pull just to survive awesome birthday week right?