most def. i was looking at the fiji blue one, but it doesnt look as good as vivid blue pearl on the DC5's. so i might drop that color out of choice. it seems its either white or black.
1. don't count on it
2. hrm...are they still fixing the old one?
3. tsk tsk lol
1. the possibilities are endless.
2. yes, my home is being renovated. we're pulling out the pool and patio. cutting out the rear entrance to the basement. extending part of the back house to make one of the room bigger. THEN. we're going to build another room on top of that one, but that will take a lot to reinforce. but that's upon city hall's approval. so all in all. i wont see home anyways because im transferring to a school 2 hrs away to dorm on campus. :cry:
3. it wasnt my idea. my aunt did the same thing, she pulled out a private school loan for 18K. and once she graduated she started paying 200-300 a month. which is not bad considering in 4 years ill have atleast half of that saved up. because ill be doing work-study and internships.
i want to buttsecks you. :lol: