My 94 Sedan Build-Up - Lots of Pics = ) [ Updated Constantly... So Stay TUNED!!! ]


it would suck if 4dr tegs didnt exist and everyone had a 2dr's. Whoot DB's ftw.
matt, just ignore lol

keep up the goodjob on working on that sedan.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
haha oh shiet... folks are whoring it up :p

DB love s0n!!! matt knows wassup 8)


&quot;Lucid Dreamin&quot;
and what not too many people know is that if you are looking to build a track teg the DB is the way to go, less roll and it's a lot more stable. plaid and simple we all like tegs other wise we wouldn't be on here, don't look at other peoples cars with critiquing eyes. it's art. what looks good to the artist. people do their own things for their own reasons, my teg sucks but I love her, she is my canvas. 0447 here I must really be tired because I have no idea what I just said. my 4 X 1/2 pennies.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
^^^ lots of 4 door love here :thumbs up

btw a lil teaser... i wonder what kinda seats do this? :p



>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
non itr/ctr seats FTW!!!... however they might be from another R? :what:

its like a crossbreed of a euro accord type r and ep3 type r recarbo but its black.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
thanks, its hella comfortable tho! im thinking about getting some takata now... :p only if its hella cheap.

anyone know why there's expiration dates on them for?