Post Your Random/Interesting/Artistic/Scenic Shots

Ominous G2

These were taken with a camera phone......while driving.

Last 2 are less then 1/2 a mile apart, but different days... I think.


K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
But here are some ground rules.

1. Do NOT post any bullshit cell phone pictures.
2. Do NOT post any one else's photos and claim it's yours.
3. Do NOT post random shots meaning a picture of absolutely nothing. IE: Pictures that are of plain walls are just plain retarded shots
Even though Omi broke the rules, those shots look like it's from a P&S.

Rule change.


Unregistered User

That was taken on the interstate...

Broken Rule. I didn't take it, but it's me taking a picture, so does that count?


Unregistered User
lol, not that rule. your rule for this thread. lol. I didn't take the picture, but It's me in the picture

Omi said:
Ha, look at that queer exhaust.
It's better now. lol