Post Your Random/Interesting/Artistic/Scenic Shots


Super Moderator
I'm breaking your no celly pic rule as well Kevin. But I figured I might as well post these pictures that I took on the lake Saturday



Jointhe Wingless Movement
Here is some randomness. Camera is Nikon D40 w/ the lense that came with it (bone stock just like my car :lol:)


K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
It's alright Kyle. I'll be lenient. Just as long as they're one of those shitty night pics that all you can see is the headlight or those pictures that you can only see the outline of the car. :lol:


The first two are great!!
Not really my place to say..but for some reason im not feelin the last two. Just my opinion.


yeah i agree. the lighthouse or whatever seems to dark in comparison with the rest of the picture.
i also think that if you got directly under the light fixture, the picture would have a lot more balance and maybe not so bland.
my 0.02


Unregistered User

lol, I took the light fixture picture while moving on a tour of the place, so it was the best I could do... and the fact it was shot film, so I couldn't really guarantee being directly under it. lol