how much HP?


New Member
how much HP can a N/A GSR potentially have, with all the essential bolt ons, im guesing around 240HP?


Sonic Fucking BOOM
From what i've seen you can make 225hp - 250hp. But that is just from what i have read not from actual experience.


Raceline USA
You mean strictly bolt-ons right? No internal mods?


??????????????????????????? 300hp NA b18c1 and streatable? i agree to disagree
.... a K is a different story
Would you like me to post up the article from honda tuning because endyn did it and I know of other people that can and have also. Oh did I mention that was on 91 octane?


New Member
dude i wish with jus bolt ons you can push that much damn i say mak with bolt ons about 200-220maxx with a tune and shit