Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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Unregistered User
Gah... Its getting late... My girl wants me to come to her friends house tonight yet...

I have to work tomorrow morning at 8. Haven't slept all week, AND drive to Maine tomorrow night...

Its such a bad idea, but I think I'm going to do it. lol

oh! PS. I'm going to the east coast for next week. lol


Unregistered User
lol, alright.

It won't be for a while... The other thing i was thinking was swap a b20 in there now, then next summer to a vtec head


yes, crabs, because everybody knows that's the ONLY place that has cheesesteaks...

Come to wisconsin trinh!! lol
no. lol there probably isn't shit out there. i don't even like cheese all that much. it stinks. probably like you.

look what i finally got...

my brother said he'd do it for me, but i asked if he'd just show me how. LOL i want to try it myself. how long could it possibly take? i bet it'll take me dayssss. hahah whatever, though. i'm no pro, but at least i'll try.

my neighbors are loud. imma beat them up. all of them...
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