Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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Black '91 GS
that's how I got mine, it was stolen, partially stripped and then recovered so it was gonna get junked but it still ran so I got it for free, well it's actually cost me like 1500 by now, but it runs like a champ.


damm.. this world is just not safe..
feeeel like its all worthless.....blaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sounds like you need to double up on the medication there, j/p

I can't decide on where to go for our little vacation for the 4th of July!! It's either Yosemite to camp, Providence, Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia, or Miami. I hope I can get that week off. I want to travel, damnit. Hopefully the tickets won't be ridiculously expensive since it's a holiday.


Unregistered User
My buddy had one on his DC.

its sexy! Then get the one for the rear strut towers... ohh....

I thought about getting a H22 for my EG, something cheap but quick. what do you think?
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