Thanks, they are...but they are not cheap to build haha. That is the biggest complaint I get from people wanting me to build them one. I tell them the price and they flip shit on me.
The radio rancher wagon is almost complete, I am just waiting on the tub and wheels to get back from the powder coater. My brother in law wanted to have the tub and wheels camouflaged, not wanting it to look cheap, I suggested we have that stuff hydro dipped. I went with the muddy girl pattern as it has a bright purple through out it that will match the upper part of this wagon. I don't have a pic of the tub finished yet, but I was able to watch it get dipped and that is a cool process. The tub was coated pink first as thats the undercoat color that the film calls for. Here is a pic of the wagon in that stage as well as the wheels coated. Mind you the wheels do get a hub cap on the center of them that is a mirror black finish. The wagon should look really cool once it's all back together.
Today I picked the wagon tub and wheels up from the powder coater and got to assembling it finally. I am very happy with how it turned out and my brother in law absolutely loves it, which is the most important parts since it's for his daughter. The pictures don't do this thing any justice as the lighting in my garage sucks. I am going to take some better pics during the daylight tomorrow of it.
My sister in laws Mother asked me to build a wagon for her 2 year old Grandson. She said he was really into Hotwheels and wondered if I could build him one that is Hotwheels themed. She doesn't want to go too extreme by changing the wheels or lowering it to make it look like a racecar, just wants it to be a nice wagon.
I got the wagon torn down and out for powder coating, which btw I am thinking about buying the stuff to start doing this at home to cut down the price as it's the most expensive part of this process.
My brother in law had an old motorcycle exhaust setup laying around the garage and offered it to me for free. I cut it down to make side exit exhaust out of, it's a hotwheels wagon, it has to have sidepipes right? I am going to pie cut and attempt to clean up the chrome, it's pretty rough though, so it might end up getting powder coated as well.
The other wagon I am doing right now is for my sister in laws 2 little girls, I am calling this wagon Double Trouble. I picked this particular wagon up off my 80 year old neighbor lady for a bargain of $20. She wasn't quite sure how old it was, but researching the logo and style of tub leads me to believe late 50's, early 60's. This thing is a tank, easily the heaviest wagon I have had, including the radio rancher. Since it's a 50's/60's model, I talked her into going with a 50's style teal and white theme, you know like the old 57 chevys and such had. The tub is going the teal color as are the wheels which will be the bigger, off road style. The suspension and stickers will be white to help break up the color.
Having a large family has come in handy when it comes to building these things. I built one and suddenly everyone started producing kids and wanting their own wagon haha.
The powder coater called me today and told me that both wagons would be done today. Since I live 2 minutes away, I ran down and grabbed the one that was ready to be picked up and will hopefully get the hothweels wagon back today. With that said here is the wagon I have dubbed, "Double Trouble"
I started to mock up the side pipes for the Hotwheels wagon, tomorrow I am going to a buddies exhaust shop and having him mandrel bend me some pipe to my measurements.
I got a call this afternoon that the Hotwheels wagon was done being coated. I am going to bring it home tomorrow as I didn't have room in my CRV to bring it home today. I was able to snap a couple pictures of it though. The suspension is all silver (didn't snap a pic of that) and the handle is blue. The customer wants the bigger style wheels, I was going to do them the same blue, but now I am thinking they are going to be powdered in a chrome color.
There is metal flake in this powder
Went and picked up the Hotwheels wagon today and started putting it together. I also picked up the fabric for the seat pad, all that's left is stickers, wheels and side pipes.
Really good shots to show all the metallic in the colors