Update! 7/29/2013
So I couldn't sleep one night and I started searching craigslist for whatevers. Then I came across another set of Advan RGs in a more aggressive size and offset.
My current set is
16x7.5 +43 all around
This current set is staggered set up
16x7.5 +29 fronts
16x8 +37 rears
Needless to say... I hopped on the wheels. LOL ...
Reason why I wanted a more aggressive offset is because I wanted to push my wheels out closer to the fender / corner panel to get it more flush because as you all know, most stock offset is really high which makes it really sunken in. This staggered set up will be flush.
Do not get it twisted. It is not "hella flush" -10 cambered , hard parked or anything like that. Just flush, and slightly sunked in.
Although, I had to roll my fenders / corner panels because from what you've seen, I like to slam my car. That made some fender clearance issues. Fender rolled the fronts helped alot and I dropped it down to where it barely touches the fender when I am going up a curb.
Welp, here are some pics.
I borrowed the fender roller from my friend.
The front was fairly easy, it was much softer than the rear. The rear had the actual chassis extended out which was much harder so it required more work and took a lot longer.
I was very happy that I didnt flare out my fender / corner panel because I have seen lots of other people's cars with fucked up fenders / corner panel because they wanted to be super hella flush or didnt have the patience to roll the fender correctly.
Here is the result.
Also, picked up a new sunshade. Lightning Mcqueen. LOL
Will be posting up my other set of Advan RGs up for sale very soon.