Speedometer noises :(


New Member
Hello all! I checked 13+pages in the forum and none matched my specific problem. Hoping someone can help! I am original owner of 90 integra gs 5-speed. The speedometer needle works, but has been making a noise sounding like "er-er-er-er-er" as I accelerate. It started out only in the winter. It is all year now. I was told back in 2007 its a waring speed cable. Just replace it. I lived with the noise, but finally decided to have the cable replaced. Cable was old and greasy, now it's new(today) and there is STILL a noise. However, the noise is not a higher pitched chirping sound coming from the needle. It was lubed in hopes that would help. Driving today, I could here the noise. Don't think lubing helped. I'd like to know why there is a noise in the first place. Is it the speedometer itself (the face dial with the needle)? I appreciate your feedback!


You should capture the sound on video if you can. Sounds like an interesting issue. Hope others can chime in.


RS owner
from my understanding, older vehicles have mechanical speedos. pretty much a cable that runs from the tranny and into the cluster that turns it up/down. pull off the cluster and spray lube the shat out of it. its worth a try.

if that fails, try lubing/swapping out the cluster.

Sent from my Glade Air Freshener using Tapatalk.


Not a M0derator
When I had a 91 Integra, what a pos, it too made speedo noises until it was up to temp.
Its practically a classic car. What do you expect?


New Member
Thanks for the comments! Yes, it's an older car but with 144,500 miles on it. It runs great. This noise has been going on for YEARS way before being the classic it is. Kinda hard to record the noise if I have to drive to hear it. If I can do it with my phone, I'll try. The cable has been replaced. I was told it was lubed but I didn't ask details. I'll ask if if the cluster was sprayed/lubed. I was told the noise is harmless tho. I will be selling my baby teggy, but I want this info for myself and the new owner. He's giving it a second life and will use it more than I have :)


I have this same noise and have yet to replace my speedo cable (have other issues that get priority). Luckily the good ole db2 witha small exhaust leak distracts me from the chattery bird noises the speedo will make when it is cold.


Looking for my next Teg..
this noise is usually the speedo cable where it clips to the cluster. if the clip is broken the cable can start coming loos or become frayed making a noise like squirrels fighting in the dash

easiest thing to do is replace the cable... takes about 15-20 minutes and cost about 35.00 to DIY

toughest part was finding all the screws for the dash cowl the first time & dealing with the VSS clip at the transmission.( this holds the cable into the VSS)


New Member
I have an 90 integra LS and I have this same problem and its kinda annoying but I have lived with it. Some days its super loud and others it just kinda goes away. I would like to fix it at some point but I cant find a speedo cable any where :/


Looking for my next Teg..
I have an 90 integra LS and I have this same problem and its kinda annoying but I have lived with it. Some days its super loud and others it just kinda goes away. I would like to fix it at some point but I cant find a speedo cable any where :/
I found a OEM one on fleabay wish I could recall the part number


New Member
O man I've had this same issue with no lead. If anyone finds the 35 dollars and the time to replace it, and can definitely say it fixed the gnarly squeal, post that shiizz asap!


Looking for my next Teg..
O man I've had this same issue with no lead. If anyone finds the 35 dollars and the time to replace it, and can definitely say it fixed the gnarly squeal, post that shiizz asap!
I did this about a year and a alf ago... easy repair. Pull the dash cowl, pull the cluster, pull the cable off the cluster ( unclip if not broken )... Then go to the engine bay and follow the cable to the VSS on the tranny... remove the clip holding the cable in ( or give it a good yank and it will pop loose *not advised* )

with the cable free pop the rubber grommet out of the firewall and pull it out.

reverse the steps starting with inserting the new cable into the VSS and making sure it seats firmly and the clip is in place, then run it thru the firewall making sure the grommet is seated properly, go to the driver cabin area and connect the clip to the cluster and replace everyting in the dash...

Should be right as rain after this is done.


New Member
Hi Folks. Here's an update: The mechanic said he lubed the outside where the cable meets the cluster. So, don't think he sprayed inside the cluster. The noise before that I lived with forever was loader and more of a skreech. I didn't think to get audio on the original sound. It is more of a chirp sound now. Here is a youtube clip for you. http://youtu.be/rDkJjJld9G4
I'm thinking based on your comments that it's the clip or replace the whole cluster. Thanks!
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