New Member
Hello all! I checked 13+pages in the forum and none matched my specific problem. Hoping someone can help! I am original owner of 90 integra gs 5-speed. The speedometer needle works, but has been making a noise sounding like "er-er-er-er-er" as I accelerate. It started out only in the winter. It is all year now. I was told back in 2007 its a waring speed cable. Just replace it. I lived with the noise, but finally decided to have the cable replaced. Cable was old and greasy, now it's new(today) and there is STILL a noise. However, the noise is not a higher pitched chirping sound coming from the needle. It was lubed in hopes that would help. Driving today, I could here the noise. Don't think lubing helped. I'd like to know why there is a noise in the first place. Is it the speedometer itself (the face dial with the needle)? I appreciate your feedback!