Ted's Owner
On to Integra number two!
Just read through all 19 pages of your build. The amount of detail you've put into this thing is awesome. Mad props. Subb'd.
I hate reading, but I'll read anything and everything there is about cars, especially when there are builds (like yours) that catch my eye.Lol thanks man. I don't think most people stick through it haha. I guess they see the initial posts and figure it was a lost cause or something haha
Knockoffs of Rotas?Well after I got them, a buddy of mine told me they weren't actually Slips but another company's knockoff of them. I'm going to look into identifying exactly which ones they are
I've got a buddy with a '98 EK hatch who had a pair of 16" Slipstreams that he cracked by hitting a pothole. I dunno. It may just be a hit and miss thing.I don't think of them as knockoffs of a knockoff. It's more like they are all knockoffs of one wheel. And I doubt Rota's crack, I;ve seen plenty of people that track them with no problems
This IS true, lol. This kid isn't the best of driver, either.Any wheel will crack if you hit a pot hole hard enough
Do you have your XXR's back or is that an old pic?Got a couple more pics from some people. Excuse the chipping paint in the bay and the tape on the windshield. I had a sign on there saying my wheels were for trade but when the guy took the pic it had blown off haha
Looks great!Got tagged in a couple more