Samurai Blue's Integra Build


Active Member
Yeah man I am not JDM enough for stuff like that I guess. I don't even have a toy hanging from my rear, or 100 visors, not even a bike rack. I am a disgrace to jdm cars everywhere.
Haha I have none of that and everyone thinks I'm super JDM.


The other asshole
Or life size domo strapped in the passengers seat? :lol:

Okay...I'm goin to go ahead and say this is sick man haha. I'm over in the south east but I'll hopefully be doing HPDE and track soon too! Love all the mods you have too man! Green tegs FTW! xD


Yolo Whippin'
I hooked it up to the vc relief and the pcv because i had a weird idle and while i was driving to my girlfriends house i was thinking..."how the fuck would this work if there is no vacuum or vent" oh well...oops. new oil pan gasket on the way!