New profile posts

You don't need to upgrade your LCA. I never would have done mine, but someone offered to buy my stock ones off me, because he didn't want to shell out the money for aftermarket or new OEM. I haven't installed my ASR LCA yet. I have a bunch of parts I am piling up that I have yet to install, because I haven't had the time yet.
Hey Nick should I upgrade the rear LCAs if I plan to occasionally track my ride? Also being that I only plan to auto x a couple times a year ASR subframe/sway combo? Hows your ASR LCAs treating you so far?
""my buddy has a set just from his 98 spec itr swap he is not gonna use... pretty sure he will sell. Where are you located?""

Hey there,

I'd like to buy this - 678.358.3997 - nick
Hey Prozon, I recently found out I have a cracked head gasket and will be using your tutorial to change it. I was curious though as to if the How To guide you wrote up would apply for a G3 Integra? Mine is also non-VTEC so would that be another thing to take into consideration?
Im actually down in vancouver. Right across the river from portland or. And i actually got zc cams right now actually that are for sale for 250 shipped
hey i see that your plate is a Washington plate. Im from Issaquah so if you have any parts to sell i would love to check them out.
P.S. my name is Tyler BTW
Prostreetonline i think, I don't think they are in business anymore... I haven't had an integra for 5 years and it's been about 6 or 7 since the HID's.
I'm interested in the shift knob. Honda/acura have the same thread pitch do you know ? Wanting to put it in my db8
Inbox is full.

We have many fronts.. We can pick out the cleanest//best front for you. $1,350 Shipped.

Follow us on Instagram at @Limitlesshonda
Going to go with your advice and I'm going to Willow Springs in my own teg for the experience. Hope that the car will survive. Thanks for the inspiration!!