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Hey nik can i get this motor legit by taking it to referee bar or whoever does it any ideas u have would be helpful everything on motor is gonna be stock except for the block andhead and that intake no exaust or header any idea's if so u can tell me here or if u want email me at [email protected]
So what little thing can i do to get hp I have a cold air intake aem.I can't get to crazy right now but I would be interested on any extra gain how much will that cold air intake give me
A b20 is a noticeable gain over an LS, but a gsr would be better, but costs a lot more. You will be happy with the b20.
Hey nick I havnt Benn on for a while but been at work busy I had the 90 integra that was having problems with fuel spraying out of my injectors well I sent it to a mechanic and he was having problems as well for a while but it comes out that my injector resistor box was bad so I got it to stop the issue with spraying fuel and it finally started but would not stay running so he took off my oil cap andradiator cap and stayed running so that box injector box I had was bad and my motor took a shot as well so I went ahead and bought a b20 out of a 2001 cr-v there swapping the motor with my existing parts should be ready by wednesday now my question to u is will this be any difference Hp. Wise I no its more but will it be noticeable. Or are gsr motors the better way
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Sorry for the delay, havent been on too much lately. You can use just about any aftermarket d series ignition system. Personally I would say to get a hold of an msd system. Cams though, you can use any dual cam zc cams and just drop them in whithout having to really do much other then reset the timing. If you want a little more you can get some custom ones made from delta cams. Just tell them Danny Carlson from NWCLASSICHONDA sent you
What year of head are the cams from and what is the exact length of them I may be interested, any ideas on an ignition system ?
Do you still have the k sport coilover kit for da?
Is shipping to germany possible?
