Your Old Car Thread!!!


That car you smoked!
thats not an "asian" license plate, its from japan. i grabbed a few before i left there. and florida only issues rear plates so theres no problems with having on the front
I wanted to say Japanese, but I rather ask and not be a fool than assume and be a fool.

Man I wish Texas didnt have a stupid front plate law :angryred:


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
I can play...

1. 2001 Black Chrysler Sebring Convertible

I got this car from my brother after he got rear ended in it.. He took the insurance money and got a Cadillac like our parent's Cadillac :roll:

I got it in Spring of 2008, 4 months before I got my license. I drove it back to California from Texas while my mom rode shotgun when I only had a learners permit :lol:

I got my license a day before Junior check in at school, after barely passing my second test after failing the first one for running 2 red lights lol.

I remember how excited I was to drive on my own for the very first time ever. I remember the whole route that day to Junior check in and back, I floored it.. It felt awesome.

The first year of driving the car for my whole Junior year, I was held by a leash by my parents, as I was a good obedient boy and always asked if I could go somewhere, like see a friend (unknown girl), get denied, so I'd stay home and play video games instead.. But my senior year, I got a job at Baskin Robbins, and I wanted to pay for my own insurance and gas to release the leash, but every paycheck I got was roughly $100. I could only afford half the insurance, and I barely got by with gas.. I thought that was a gas guzzler.. Till I got my second car..

My Sebrings downfall came after I graduated. August of 2010, I was laid off (or fired) from stupid Baskin Robbins. So I had to go find another job. As I was going to a place to turn in an application, it was acting up, stuttering with low idle. I called my mom and told her about it once I got to my destination and told her I was coming straight back home after I dropped my application off. I was nearly home, and it just broke down in the middle of the road during rush hour traffic.

Turns out Chrysler thought it was a good idea to put the water pump inside the 2.7L V6 engines.. When that s*** goes out, it dumps the coolant into the oil. Not good. My dad managed to tear it all apart and fix it. It lasted for 400 miles or so and then a loud knocking came. It was unsuitable to drive, so we got rid of it. I loved that car..

Thats 2 years of experiences with her. I even wrote a poem about her, thats how I graduated High School lol. I also bent a steel brake caliper with her.

Anyways, this is her..

2. 2004 Lightning Yellow Mazda RX8

I got a job at the end of August when I got fired. The $100 a month became per day. But I needed my own set of wheels.. So I went to my brother-in-law's tow yard he works at to see what was in stock, and he said my 2 best options were either a black 95 Jeep Cherokee, or a SICK LIGHTNING YELLOW RX8! Guess which one I chose? Haha. The Jeep was $3,500, and the RX8 was $5,000. Same gas mileage, meh.

She lasted only a quarter of the time I had my Sebring for :???: I was extremely depressed when I lost her, and was heavily flamed for my accident, if thats not hard to believe.. s*** happens I guess.

I am happy that I chose her though, because if I didn't, then I wouldn't be here right now. I never really thought about forums before I got my RX8, in fact, I didn't have much car knowledge at all, so it was a very good experience, despite how short it lasted. I'll always love rotaries though, especially with my driving style.. I have to stop my high revs.

I learned some mistakes with that car though.. and that would be that my bumper decals were a bit too much and unrelated unlike the ones I have on my Integra now :lol: though I was extremely pleased with my FALKEN decal, came out very good. Also the first time I painted plastic on cars, came out really good

This was a mere few hours before my accident

This was after

And this is what I had to bear through. I hate getting attached to my cars.

Anddd here I am. First picture of my Integra after reversing it in manual for the very first time :)

Sorry for the long post. This thread was calling my name. Have a good night, stay safe in the streets!


I wanted to say Japanese, but I rather ask and not be a fool than assume and be a fool.

Man I wish Texas didnt have a stupid front plate law :angryred:
lol yea its a kei car tag from japan. it was ironic on all my other cars but not this one lol

yea im sure that sucks having a front plate


That car you smoked!
lol yea its a kei car tag from japan. it was ironic on all my other cars but not this one lol

yea im sure that sucks having a front plate
Yeah I wish we didnt have that. My cousin comes down from Michigan and gets pulled over for not having a front plate.

and cause he is Mexican.....hahaha sorry, but it's true.


Yeah I wish we didnt have that. My cousin comes down from Michigan and gets pulled over for not having a front plate.

and cause he is Mexican.....hahaha sorry, but it's true.
hahaha yea ive been stopped in a few states for that and my response is "learn your shit, then pursue some one...."


New Member
1st:1988 Cadillac Seville

2nd: 1991 Integra GS Sedan (Auto)

3rd: 1990 Integra GS Sedan (5Spd) (had this one til 2009)

4th: 1984 Porsche 944

5th: 1997 Ford Exploder 5.0L 4X4

6th: 2003 Acura 3.2TL Type-S

7th: 1994 BMW 540I