You know you drive an integra when...


Active Member
you know you drive an integra when your eating ramen for three weeks cuz you spend all your cash on some cams and a lowering kit
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you know you drive an integra when you have read every single post in the past 25 pages and laugh cause so many of them are true and have happened to you


New Member
you know you drive an integra when every night you are asked by your girlfriend who you love more, the car or her.... (NOT SAYING WHICH ONE)


Curves > Straights
You know you drive an Integra when you check to make sure the door is locked, then think "What's the point?"

You know you drive an Integra when the first mod people recommend to get is a security system.


Professional Ametuer
You know you drive an Integra when you laugh at the posers who put body kits and shit on their Sentra, Cavalier, Tercel or Focus.

Oh wait, everyone laughs at that crap. Nevermind.