You guys would not believe the project I got into, new DA9 for me!


New Member
ya i think as far as saving money, and time, and gettin back to having a daily driver, u lucked out, but obviously you or anyone else will say losing a GSR for anything blows, but best of luck to you, i got a 90 LS im workin on as well, maybe ill hit you up on things i need help on, used to working on my v8 chevs haha, these are alot harder to swap parts! haha
Yeah, you are definitely right it is a big loss seeing a DB2 GSR go down for the count, especially with how rare those are and it had most of the original parts in decent condition still and motor was still great, but what can you do really? If you ever have questions on yours feel free to PM me anytime, I am always happy to try to help. This is my third DA and I work on hondas in general for a living, so if I can't answer a question, usually I at least know someone who can.