yet another PHILLY MEET


a.k.a. crabs!
so its nearing spring time and ive decided to make last years meet into an anual thing. last year i held the meet in september and all though it was a small turn out we all had a great time. this year however... ive decided to have the meet a bit earlier. i have not come up with a definate date yet but just as a reference (which may end up as the real date) i am going to go with sunday june 3rd at noon. it will be in the same place as last year at the best buy on columbus blvd. if you follow the parking lot around the building there is a fence and on the other side is an impound lot. we will be meeting along those parking spaces. all hondas are welcome as i will be trying to spread the word so everyone is welcome to pass this along on other forums. also bringing food and drinks may be a good idea as well because last year was a bit hot out and we all got pretty hungry. chick-fil-a is in the same parking lot but will be closed since its a sunday.

WHO: hondas hondas and more hondas
WHERE: best buy on columbus blvd in philly
WHEN: sunday june 3rd at noon

also it was a small meet last year and the security guy was cool about us being there and didnt kick us out but please lets not get kicked for doing stupid things this year (burn outs, racing, etc).


a.k.a. crabs!
:thumbs up

lol i think we already have a better turn out. i think it was clubrsx or something that flaked last year. and TI deleted my thread about it so yeah

Ominous G2

Plan on it, hoping to get some more clutter out of my engine bay pretty soon.


a.k.a. crabs!
no its not... but it wouldnt be a bad idea to put it up on there i suppose lol. im about ready to head out for the weekend but ill put it up as soon as i get a chance unless someone beats me to it

Ominous G2

Last time those cops didnt like me very much, so we need to stay away from those guys this year.