Xbox Rice


Unregistered User
Well as the title says, I decided to rice out my Xbox. lol

I spent $10 dollars on LED's and this is what she looks like so far.

Right now 2 LED's are burnt out, so i have to take it all apart again, but I'll do that tomorrow


Unregistered User
lol, I added that in. The vents on the bottem are light by LED too

A neat little project i thought. I play a lot of stuff on it, so i decided why not? lol


Super Moderator
It's not really rice, they just got a lot of stuff where you can mod them. What else do you have done to it.


Unregistered User
RIght now all i have done is the lights. I'm going to try and see if i can find a way to hard wire in a wireless thing. I had bought one a couple months back that i had to plug the ethernet cable into and it would get a signal strong enough for gaming, so I;m going to see if i can get that to be internal on the Xbox or not.

Then I know a guy who does hardcore xbox moding. He's going to change all the background stuff to Blue for me instead of green, make is so i can save games onto a bigger hard drive, and a bunch of other things. Its really neat what you can all do to these things, and LEDs just make it even better! lol


Unregistered User
Not too sure if i want to do any mod chips or anything right now... I play a lot of halo on life and if my xbox was super moded they would ban me from that and thats no fun. lol


riiiiiice riiiiiice, baby.

tell em bout ya bed, kooch. lol neon underglows and everything.


Unregistered User
lol, I'll get some pics of that later.... Maybe even the ones with you on it! lol.

Your just jealous bout' ma sweet glow baby! lol


lol thats pretty creative but glow lights under the bed???????? are u still afraid of the buggie man or something


Unregistered User
lol, I'll see If i can do a P-shop of underglow on my bed when i have time later. Then I'll get that picture of trinh and put it on the bed. lol


Kuchtaboy said:
lol, I havent gone in the inside, and i lost my PS2... dont know where it is... lol
lmof how u lose a play station lol dued look at ur hand seriously lock at it ........

now slap ur self lol

and thats true shit i put an exedy sticker on my ps2 and it makes the loading bar faster i gues it grip like a mofo