Wiring power to a subwoofer 1990 Integra


level 77 troll
I don't know what to say to you guys that can't find it, if it was a snake it would've bit you, it's as obvious as dirt on my white paint, no disrespect, but examine your engine bay closer, it's RIGHT there :)


Haha good thing it wasn't a snake then? Like I said, I found one hole, that COULD be what you're talking about. But there was something in the way and I wouldn't want to drill through it lol.


level 77 troll
That's the one my friends, thank you, I can't post pictures from my phone otherwise I would've, just on the other side of that black piece is your pedals, a few zip ties and you're golden :)


New Member
That's the one my friends, thank you, I can't post pictures from my phone otherwise I would've, just on the other side of that black piece is your pedals, a few zip ties and you're golden :)
i pulled my motor so i can get a good pic lol jp or u can use an area over here by these holes


New Member
i dont think you should have a problem shoving it by the driver side firewall..thats what i did with my 0 gauge wire and that wire is thick as hell hahhaa..worked for me


New Member
i dont think you should have a problem shoving it by the driver side firewall..thats what i did with my 0 gauge wire and that wire is thick as hell hahhaa..worked for me
only thing that i dont like about the driver side is u have a extra wire running across the bay but to each its own gl post pics when u do run the cable


New Member
only thing that i dont like about the driver side is u have a extra wire running across the bay but to each its own gl post pics when u do run the cable
extra wire running across the bay? hmmm im confused lol..
what i did was run the wire through the firewall, hid it underneath the carpet along the driver side door, underneath the panels and then slipped it out from the back seats to connect it to the amp..

ill take a video of it tomorrow after work cause im about to hit the sheets, but it really isnt that difficult i guarantee you my friend..but it all takes patience too, it took me about an hour to do all of it cause it was difficult to shove that fat wire with the rest of the wires that i ran underneath the carpet, cause i also upgraded my component wiring too..


New Member
i mean the batterys on the pass side of the car so itl have to go behind the im and the through the wall im just picky when it comes to my systems i was lazy with my last sytem cuz it was freezing and getting dark so i just ran it by the fender never had a prob and its 4g


New Member
o yea i forgot you have a different gen. lol i was thinking you had a 3rd gen, my bad..

but yea just hide it along the passanger side then, but whatever you prefer my friend..
and believe me, im picky with everything on my car lol..and dont half ass system work, cause it will bit you in the ass lol


level 77 troll
Hope the OP is doing it still, we probably scared him off with all the contradicting opinions and options lol


New Member
lol theres realy no wrong way to do it its all personal preference some peopl care more than others some just dont care as long as the music comes out the speakers lol
the only pic of how i ran my cord


New Member
Yo that car is gutted to the fullest.
lol its a habbit when i buy a integra i strip it asap shampoo the carpet and seats and steam clean them and the i clean the floor boards and vacume it and the spray degreaser and scrub it clean i know ul never see it just one of my pet peeves and while its stripped i run the system wires