Why would a cop want my cell phone number??

WAR 178

Premium User
they are going to cross ref. your # with any of the #s they find in the drug dealers, or custy's cell phone to see if you are in connection with any of the fiends they like to rustle up in that area. And yes they WILL tap the phone w/o warrant if they feel they can get a good bust outta it. Then they will throw it under the whole "bush's corrupt acts" and justify illegal taps in the name of national security. Or scoop up an amended warrant after. I would change my number lol


^^^ Fire Nation FTW ^^^
but seriously 1. yeah I wouldn't have given him my number 2. There are some paranoid individuals on here 3. alll cell phones are traceable and tappable without you giving them your number i they want to do it they will get it without you knowing. He prolly just wants you to spin on it like a cop who told me that he was putting me in the system for exhibition of speed and I'd be charged for it if i got pulled over again in 6 months after


^^ Made me laugh.

I'm not trying to stir up some anti-cop debates. I could have not given him my number, but honestly i'm not doing anything illegal and I have nothing to hide. I'm not a drug dealer, nor do I talk to any.

Oh and lets clarify. It wasn't really "stealing" wifi, they didn't have a password, so it's open game. :)

I just thought it was kind of odd. I can't think of any good reason why they would want my cell number lol.


New Member
SWAT came into my house, disrespected my whole family because somebody narc'd me out.. and you know what? IT WAS YOU!!
hahahaha I was thinking of the same thing when I saw his username!

Edit: you should have said that you didn't have a cell phone lol
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New Member
Just recently someone in CA got got with identity fraud while using peoples unsecured Wifi.

Maybe that there

It's still illegal without a password... ironically

"just because it's there, doesnt mean you can take it"


swat came into my house, disrespected my whole family because somebody narc'd me out.. And you know what? It was you!!
i aint never narc'd on nobody! nobody!

^^ Made me laugh.

I'm not trying to stir up some anti-cop debates. I could have not given him my number, but honestly i'm not doing anything illegal and I have nothing to hide. I'm not a drug dealer, nor do I talk to any.

Oh and lets clarify. It wasn't really "stealing" wifi, they didn't have a password, so it's open game. :)

I just thought it was kind of odd. I can't think of any good reason why they would want my cell number lol.
if they don't have a reason, they only have a right to see your id, once you show them it you can ask them to leave.