you guys need to chill out with calling stoners trash and useless... I think to many I would be considered a pot head, but I very much have my priorities in line and, "a future in mind."
Taking other drug effects on my body into consideration, I wouldn't even consider Marijuana a drug. You're not uncontrollable by any means when you're high and can function next to normal.
exactly, when your high (for the people who dont know) your not "stupid" like its shown in movies and stuff, you can think perfectly normal, and can sober up in an instant if you have to, but it just makes every thing funny. you can physically function perfectly.
dont legalize...decriminalize. and i dont think the country would benefit that much from weed but would benefit mostly from the hemp that they produce. im not for pot heads at all, they're just a bunch of dicks thinking they're cool because they arent going to graduate high school. but with a positive there is always a negative. so ill take my chances with the decriminalization part.
(some one had a bad high school experience...)
But seriously? thats like saying all asians have small dont have to be an ass, im not gonn respond to you with some stupid comment that will escelate the situation, and like i have said a million times, we would benifet directly from hemp obviously, but we would benifit indirectly from marijuana because (for the millionth time) the tons of money we spend on searching forests for growing spots, raiding houses, etc. the time and planning for all of this is extremely once again proved wrong...
any more challengers ?