White G2...Stolen in Sac (Natomas Park) -- Nor Cal


fucking gay! i seriously do not understand why people steal other peoples shit for!! it REALLY pisses me off. sometime between 1AM and probably 5AM this morning, someone stole my sister's bf's teg right out from their driveway. no broken glass or what not, but i guess tegs are notorious for being easy to break into. some distinguishing shit, Northern Cali members please be on the look out...

white RS 2-door, hood SLIGHTLY a different white then the rest of the car (you can only tell when it's parked and you stare at it hard), manual, blue cloth interior, clear corners, yellow bulbs in front, exhaust is loud as fuck, sounds deep in lower RPMs, but looks stock and sounds like shit after about 3.5k RPMs and rattles after then (lol fucked up, but it's the truth). exhaust was slightlyyyy tilted down to the left as well...as in crooked. front bumper is scruffed from previous owner and has the nice 1/2" gap going on both sides. those are just the minor things i've noticed seeing as to how i was going to trade cars with him and i took notice to those details.

i'll get the plate numbers and see if i have any pics later. ohh..stolen in the Natomas Park area...north Sac. probably long gone by now, but i guess i thought i'd try and post the info anyway -- it couldn't hurt to just keep an eye out. more info later.

**EDIT: Plate number: 5UTM582 **
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New Member
ummm we all know it was u trinh......jk, he have no alarm on it?
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New Member
yea right.. im gonna stare down every white g2 to notice a slight color difference on the hood and body. and DAMMIT you called me at 2 in the fuckin morning! now i'm sleepy at work.


New Member
tisguy said:
yea right.. im gonna stare down every white g2 to notice a slight color difference on the hood and body. and DAMMIT you called me at 2 in the fuckin morning! now i'm sleepy at work.
LMAO!!!! ^


tisguy said:
yea right.. im gonna stare down every white g2 to notice a slight color difference on the hood and body. and DAMMIT you called me at 2 in the fuckin morning! now i'm sleepy at work.
aye...why don't you mind your business, FRISCO? lol let us sactown people handle ours. <<<< remember that?! hahah omg i was soooo drunk last night. why do you act like you didn't like talking to me? you know you did. lol you stayed up, didn't you?! i gave you a chance to go and you passed. haha :laugh:


sOuL said:
ummm we all know it was u trinh......jk, he have no alarm on it?
nooooope. he barely got that as a daily driver. hasn't even had it that long. maybe a month tops.


You always have to watch who you buy from, people who previously owned the car are shady, keep extra keys then sell them off to people. Makes for an easy steal, thats why I don't buy cars from around where I live. Unless its something brand new.


New Member
Aussie said:
You always have to watch who you buy from, people who previously owned the car are shady, keep extra keys then sell them off to people. Makes for an easy steal, thats why I don't buy cars from around where I live. Unless its something brand new.
yea that makes sense. like when my friend traded in his base dc5, he kept the clifford 2-way, and was going to remote start the car (cuz we saw it around the city once in awhile).


Aussie said:
You always have to watch who you buy from, people who previously owned the car are shady, keep extra keys then sell them off to people. Makes for an easy steal, thats why I don't buy cars from around where I live. Unless its something brand new.
yeah i thought about that, but he had one of his brothers buy it from this guy in san jose. i doubt that guy knew how to reach him.

Street Anthem

Sac-Town's Finest
^u have a pic of this car G3Girl?

i think i seen a car similar to urs this morning on i-5...dude was revvin his engine like he the shyt

does it got some black 17's?


nope. just the ugly hubs. not hard to ditch those, though. i would think whoever stole it would have taken the 5, but it had to be between 1AM and 5AM because i know i passed by and saw the teg at about 1 this morning. that's the closest freeway unless they went allllll the way down the road and took the 80 (i don't see why they would risk it though since there are always cops out around then). all i have are plate numbers for now. i know i took pictures of his teg before, but i can't find them on my phone. i must have deleted them when i switched phones. either that or it's on my old cell. ugh. i'll have to double check again.

Street Anthem

Sac-Town's Finest

well the car i saw had rims though...guess i aint it.

but ill still keep an ear out for anyone whos selling parts or someone wit a 'shipment'


^ shuddup, asshole. i remember a long time ago before i posted a lot, i saw your car sittin' on bricks..lol hoe