David.95LS Delwarian Jan 18, 2010 #512 299xxx orgianal motor, and trans, bought it with 295xxx and the origanal clutch just went out at 298xxx
299xxx orgianal motor, and trans, bought it with 295xxx and the origanal clutch just went out at 298xxx
cyclotegra New Member Jan 18, 2010 #514 cyclotegra said: 134k, damn Im driving to much... Click to expand... 136.8K Not driving it to much these days.
cyclotegra said: 134k, damn Im driving to much... Click to expand... 136.8K Not driving it to much these days.
AcurInteg96 Just call me chris. Jan 19, 2010 #519 i rolled 40k on my 99 grand am yesterday. and the tegs got 16xxxx
Tam4511 CI BOOST FIEND Jan 19, 2010 #522 Samurai_Blue said: why did you replace the tranny JC Click to expand... me? the prev own did it, arent the ls trannys better than the gsr's anyways?
Samurai_Blue said: why did you replace the tranny JC Click to expand... me? the prev own did it, arent the ls trannys better than the gsr's anyways?
Samurai_Blue Yolo Whippin' Jan 19, 2010 #523 depends on what you mean by better acceleration wise LS is the worst fuel economy wise its the best
D-MART90DA9 MY CAR IS A AUTOBOT Jan 19, 2010 #524 My D.A. Got wrecked I was just over 398k oem motor and frame