blaketeg I <3 Boost Sep 3, 2009 #453 nice...any honda motor will run buddy has a civic with 305xxx on it and it runs like its brand new
nice...any honda motor will run buddy has a civic with 305xxx on it and it runs like its brand new
cyclotegra New Member Sep 4, 2009 #457 245,000 and counting, still runs very strong, and never rebuilt!!! Im gonna run it into the ground as my daily driver!!!
245,000 and counting, still runs very strong, and never rebuilt!!! Im gonna run it into the ground as my daily driver!!!
99sil-teg Jointhe Wingless Movement Sep 4, 2009 #458 Just hit 177,000 on the way home from work tonight
cyclotegra New Member Oct 22, 2009 #462 cyclotegra said: 245,000 and counting, still runs very strong, and never rebuilt!!! Im gonna run it into the ground as my daily driver!!! Click to expand... Was 245,000(sold that teg), current teg has 133,000!!!
cyclotegra said: 245,000 and counting, still runs very strong, and never rebuilt!!! Im gonna run it into the ground as my daily driver!!! Click to expand... Was 245,000(sold that teg), current teg has 133,000!!!
Cheesenip I <3 2.4l's Oct 23, 2009 #464 52,XXX on the SRT 205,700 on the booger. 136,789 on the eclipse.