Just call me chris.
the way i see it if i own it i may as well drive it. im 20 i dont need to waste money on a toy right now.
its still slow. my gf has one, i know. :lol:which is why im buying a z when i pay my teg off.
yeah i changed my mind on the z. i think im gonna keep the teg and save up for a nice automatic DD.its still slow. my gf has one, i know. :lol:
Im at almost 203k on the booger, which means Ive put 11k on it since jan.:shock:
damn dude. it cost me parts, cigs and taco bell to get mine replaced. dealerships love fucking people.I have around 136K now. Hard to think just last year i had around 98-100K. I drive 70miles at least everyday
Car is in the honda place now gettin the timing belt\water pump. 700$ with a 50 dollar off coupon lol.