whats wrong with my GSR :(


Unregistered User
I hear sound, but I also hear base, and crackling from the driver... A video is just like holding the phone up to the engine and asking what's wrong. lol


Unregistered User
lol, that wasn't my point with the video. Good idea, but I don't know if it'll really help with the diagnostics.

I personally don't know too much on VTEC operation because I sadly do not own it :cry:

Sorry I can't really help ya.


Non-Registered User
man u act like not having vtec is a bad thing. ill trade my NA gsr build for a ls turbo w/ gsr tranny anyday


New Member
on your vid u could of yell out what gear your in. im not sure what ger that vid was in tho. but i do hear your vtec kick in 2 times. was it on 4th then 5th? or 3rd and 4th?