whats wrong with my GSR :(


Non-Registered User
when did it start happening? what were u doing? what happens when the noise occurs? at what rpm does the noise occur? are there any other symptoms?


I ♥ My Integra
Vtec dosent seem to kick in all the time i thought with the vid you would notice i guess not :( it kicked in at 4th but not 3rd what the hell is going on !


Undercover mod
check yuor oil man...
first thin i would do


I ♥ My Integra
olis fine havent checked solenoid but why would it cut in and out through different gears ?


Undercover mod
Your silonoid could be just going bad or yuo could some how have a short in your Vtec wires...
im not much of an online type of mechanic but thats what i can tell you right now


Non-Registered User
who knows but just because vtec isnt making noise doesnt mean its not occuring. and butt dyno doesnt apply here.

n order for the ECU to initiate the VTEC system, 5 engine conditions must be met.

Temperature: The engine must have reached normal operating temperature.

Throttle Position: The throttle must be open far enough to allow for increased airflow in VTEC.

Vehicle Speed: The car must be in motion (wheels spinning).

RPM: Engine must spin to it's target value. The GS-R will send it's "GO" signal for VTEC at 4400 RPM while the Type R sends it's signal at 5700 RPM.

Oil Pressure: The engine must be operating with normal and safe levels of oil pressure determined by the VTEC pressure switch.

The ECU will send a signal for a spool valve to open. When this valve opens, oil is allowed into the pivot shaft inside the valve rockers and directed into the center rocker. Inside the center rocker, a set of pins are forced outward by the oil pressure and lock inside the rockers to both sides. This entire process occurs in 1/10 of a second.

taken from http://www.team-integra.net/sections/articles/showArticle.asp?ArticleID=45

are you sure your car is warmed up all the way? is your check engine light on? maybe you are just imagining a problem

- how the hell are we supposed to tell from that damn video when or not you are trying to engage vtec or not


I ♥ My Integra
i was on the highway for about 20min so i know my car was warmed up no check engine light or anything like that and i think i know the y way my car sounds from one day to the other i have a SRI so Vtec is very noticable. Im sorry if i offended you with my "Stupid post /thread" but if your just trying to make me look dumb saying how the hell your supposed to know if im trying to engage vtec then i would rather you not post and id rather you not offer your advice i rather wait for people like tegsox or somebody a little more familiar with the situation to help. Thanks anyway though :thumbs up


I ♥ My Integra
BTW i posted the vid to give a little better perspective on my problem cuz i was hoping that somebody like tegsox would HEAR the problem. Thanks to anyone so far trying to help though.


Undercover mod
i see how it is its all about teg sox... and yeah idk why but your vid had no sound on my comp..???


I ♥ My Integra
i get sound perfectly just turn that shit up ! and dont trip about tegsox its just that he knows a bunch about b series vtec motors. dont take it personal playa !