I personally wouldn't do it, but I have my reasons why (VTEC guys please correct me on this):
1. Sure, VTEC is really cool, but it's more designed for higher RPMs. From what I understand, VTEC doesn't even really kick in until like, 5.5k RPMs, which, on our engines, only leaves ~1.7k RPMs to go, which isn't really worth it. VTEC is more designed for higher revving engines, and while ours rev pretty good, it's still not quite enough. It'd require more than just a head and ECU swap and tune to get a reliable VTEC setup with what we have.
2. You'd lose low-end torque. It'd be more fun once you get up to speed, but on a stock engine, it'd be pointless because your car would take longer to take off.
3. I don't know if your car is an automatic or a manual transmission, but either way, if your car has the non-VTEC engine in it, 9/10 it has a transmission designed around a non-VTEC engine. It'll have different shift points than what would be optimal for VTEC use and it'd be harder on your transmission because of it.
If you want more power out of your engine and decide VTEC is the way to go for your build, go for it, but be prepared to spend some money to do it right. In my personal opinion, i would install a turbo kit on your stock engine with low to mild boost and call it an evening.
Just my $0.02.