What the hell?


New Member
All I've read is good things about the amsoil. Especially when the trans is still cold. Really trying to avoid ordering anything that's easily accommodated locally. May just use to Honda mtf. Will look more into reviews on trans fluid before I decide.

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RS owner
youre better off buying a new shifter and knob. skunk2 is a good one.

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Active Member
No the actual lever as in the metal. I have the OEM knob. This is the contraption the previous owner has rigged. I just retaped it better. But he was nice enough to leave the OEM knob in the glove box.

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What in Jesus name was the prior owner thinking... It looks like a random idea from a drunken night in a redneck bar.


New Member
"Hey man, cut off that dog gone shifter half way = half shifting, much faster + 10hp, the duck tape adds 5hp"

Hopefully will have of fixed next week.

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New Member
Should this look so shitty?

Also quarter ftw for the clutch. Does it even effect anything?

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New Member
How much did you give for the car. I hope it wasn't much rigged up shit everywhere


New Member
2000. I did the quarters. Lol. I haven't found anything else rigged besides the shifter?

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New Member
Does the clutch button effect anything other then telling the ecu when the cluch is in and out?

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No fucks given.
Lol quarters? My guess is the little plastic nub for the clutch safety switch broke, and they quick fixed it.

There's one on the brake pedal too, when that breaks, the lights stay on until the battery dies


The other asshole
I have a nickel glued in place of the brake button, $5 plastic button that's gonna break again? Nah. :lol:


New Member
Yeah brakes is still there read above I did the quarters. Does it matter for the cluth?

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