What is this? (an aftermarket installation)


Honestly that wiring looks like shit. I did better looking/cleaner looking wiring when I was 12.

As stated above it's a switch designed for fog lights. Do you have fog lights mounted?
If so you're like 75% of the way done. You have the lights, switch, and relay. Now you just need to get about $4 worth of wire and rip out, what looks to be SPEAKER WIRE currently installed.


New Member
Honestly that wiring looks like s***. I did better looking/cleaner looking wiring when I was 12.

As stated above it's a switch designed for fog lights. Do you have fog lights mounted?
If so you're like 75% of the way done. You have the lights, switch, and relay. Now you just need to get about $4 worth of wire and rip out, what looks to be SPEAKER WIRE currently installed.
Yes the lights are in fact mounted. I reached under to car to feel out where the wires were for the fog lights. I just need to pin point which ones are which since they are all over the place and attempt to re-wire it myself. Will try that out and post the results. Thanks peeps.