I have a correction on the mileage I've been getting. I kept track of the mileage I got on a trip I just went on.
Tank 1: I never used the AC, 90% of the driving was on cruise control doing about 73. 27.9 mpg
Tank 2: I used the AC alot and sat in a lot of traffic, lots of stop and go driving, little bit of highway doing 73-ish. 26.1 mpg
Tank 3: This was about 75% on cruise doing about 74, a little city and a little varying highway speed driving and some AC use. 34.7 mpg
Tank 4: Mostly on cruise control averaging 74, some AC use. 28.8 mpg
1,015 mile trip, averaged 29.2 mpg.
I can't explain tank 3, it should've been my third best tank. Tank 1 should have been my best, then 4, then 3 then 2. Oh yeah, and I never went into VTEC once the whole trip if you can beleive it. I'm pretty happy and relieved to see that if I behave with the gas pedal I can still get nice mileage.
On my next tank, I'll drive it like I stole it and see what I get.

Maybe if it FINALLY STOPS RAINING up here, I can get a track day in on this tank. Fat chance :roll: