what did you do to your car today?


Hydroplaned coming around a turn and rode it out for about 100 feet. Felt like I was running a modified on a dirt track.


New Member
bahaha, i spent an hour taking off the ORIGINAL dealership sticker on her trunk lid. Looks some much better without it. took me over a year to finally do it -.-
Me too! I did it a month or so back. Always bothered me, never had the ambition to take it off. One boring day, went into the garage with a hair dryer and goo gone and I got it off! Felt so accomplished. :lol:

to this:


New Member
Put the stock intake back on along with welding in a new resonator backwards looking forward to getting the GSR reffed next week :(


"Gap Sissy"
Cleaned out all the packing peanuts my friend decided to put in there as a prank. Made me 20 mins late for work a damn near fired. Stupid f***ers need to grow up.