Whale Penis CF Intake... Any good?


New Member
I personally want power at high end. An SRI can help with that. Especially with 4-1 header.
I will also build the head after I get an extra engine for top end.


Wachamego Racing #1
So Specialist Rolan, are you admitting to street racing? lol I personally have an AEM SRI and im quite mpressed with it, i did pick up noticable power on the top end, not much but noticable indeed. part of the reason i got it was because it was brand new and i traded my $30 HIDs for it lol
I'm not gonna admit to it but, dudes in Mustangs and youngsters with their EBay parts get to me every now and then. And true I could back down...but I aint no bee-och...LOL:x