

Yolo Whippin'
cheaper than paint

thats retrotarded. just dont.
how is it retarded?

do you mean your seats??? wrapping a car in vinyl is not just stupid, it's a waste of money. Eventually the sun will crack it and it will fade and be a pain in the ass to remove.
not necessarily

Im curious to see this, ive never heard of wrapping a car in vynl just for a color change
some race teams do it.

if this isnt vinyl wrapped then they were planning on vinyl wraping their cars, spoke to one of the guys at OPAK Racing/Spoon Sports with Matt last year and they have a Vinyl machine in their facility just for something like this


New Member
Thanks for the help guys, but does anyone know where I can buy this stuff online? And im workin on an integra i got for $700 so im not too worried about messin up, i can only make it look better.With research, a few squigees, a blow dryer, and a lot of patience i think i can pull it off. and this is what im lookin for, somewhere down this alley...

either the BMW or the Lexus, then ill put some black or gold rims on the teg.
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New Member
Order it off eBay from a reputable vinyl supplier.

Or look up local vehicle wrap locations near you. Looking at roughly 750+ installed/warrentied by professional.

Well worth the money.


Internet Hate Machine
Looks good if you're going for a dedicated track car with sponsors on the vinyl.


New Member
my uncle works at a place that can do it. its pretty cool how they do it too. it last a while, companies get it done all the time.


New Member
vinyl is much cheaper and its not retarded at all

can you really say this looks bad?

read this...

not only does it cost just over $100 to do it last 7+ years
how may of you have ever had a car that long?

besides if it gets scratched just remove that one panel and replace
exact color match and super cheap to repair
bad Ass Maybe...:thumbs up

but flat black doesnt look that good iimo.

if thier was a glossier version maybe since i want to do a two tone.
stock color bottom roof/hatch/hood black


everything goes
IMO, I'd just stick to a flat paint. Before I flat blacked my roof, I wanted to vinyl it. But my friend who has a 08 Beemer, wrapped his roof, and it did look really good, but he says he'd rather do paint because now it's starting to bubble and it gets dirty super easy. He had it professionally done too. And painting DIY is probably easier than Vinyl DIY.. I think paint would last longer but if you have the money, do vinyl. Just my opinionn