Video of my integra Ls Special Edition


New Member
lol what r u talking i really need to get tegsox and have him give you a long ass lecture about vtec because you obviously don't know shit about it. vtec=4400....intake manifold butterflies=6000 stop talking about something you dont know a thing about. :roll:
w/e, ur right. I was thinking the type R vtec crossover which is 5700


I ♥ My Integra
This kid and his LS :roll: children shouldn't be driving anyway :lol: Oh my bad hes just that damn good :roll:


New Member
DC2Integ said:
This kid and his LS :roll: children shouldn't be driving anyway :lol: Oh my bad hes just that damn good :roll:
yea i forgot he's so damn good he can beat most of us on least until 70 mph because then our vtec kicks in :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


New Member
1990TeGLs said:
please stop the hating...
yea, its all pretty gay. It doesn't matter what u have, it all depends on the driver. If u have a S/C'd LS and u take off and spin like crazy or miss a gear or something, yea ur gonna lose until u correct ur mistake. Don't hate on other ppl on here, BE NICE :cry: