Update to the Teg, and my New Whip...


Blk Dude™
Well since the last time I posted, I lost a dear friend of mine to a bike accident, so I'm going to be selling that thing. The Teg, after motor work and a few more mods, is going in for a new paint job. It's just recently starting to look very bland, looks like there is no clear coat left on it. So yeah, I'll keep you guys informed of what's soon to come, just threw the meshes back on it. Got a flat on the Konig's, and sold them, so had the meshes as projects and didn't finish sandblasting one of them, so I just threw them on. I'll have pics up of it soon hopefully.


New Member
Dude sorry about your friend I know how it feels to loose a close friend, I lost a friend in a really bad car wreck he was raceing some mustange in his civic and lost control going around a turn, rapped the car around a tree. Good luck with your car though man.


is that a 07, cause that bike looks just like the one i got in my garage... same color and everything.... i got a 07


Super Moderator
Sweet! Lovin the black bike.

I swear I'm gonna start a CI bike thread if I ever get some time. I think there are enough people that have one on here to have that thread going. I want to see more


sorry bout ur friend. nice bike tho'. u should'nt sell it tho', just be careful when drivin dat thing. u know wat could happen, so just take it easy. i got into a really bad car accident last october and i was really close to be pronounced dead. 3 months after dat i got a bike. i was scared u know, but its all about self control and always watch ur surroundings.