under my trunk is soaked?


Keep It Clean
So the tail light gaskets is 100% the problem? I have the car full of water. The whole back seats and floor and spare tire is flooded...would RTV cylicone work on the taillight gaskests? Or just buy new ones? It would be cool if their was a DIY on this problem...I'm sick of having my windows foggy in the inside due to the water wanting to "avaporate" but can't excape the inside of the car! sorry spelling sucks lol

My car is always cold and a lot of moisture inside...I hate it


New Member
damn^ sounds like someone has a bigger problem than me. and the only thing that gets wet on my car 100% is under my drunk O_O its very weird ill prolly replace the tail light gasket for shits and giggles but i prolly have a bad seal. and to j13 (sorry to say this club integra even though i use this forum wayyyy more) team-integra has alot of good dyi threads you should check there


New Member
My trunk also get's some moisture in it, I've somewhat tracked down where it comes from, somewhere on the left side, Dad thinks it's coming through the antenna? I don't think so, probably taillight gasket on the left side, or a bad molding somewhere, but only a little bit of water gets in, no nearly as much as you.. Whenever it's nice out, for ONE day I'm gonna take these dumb euro's off and but my stock tails on, and look around for it.

Hope you find out your problem aswell!