true life: im a streetracer (old ass mtv vid)


I ♥ My Integra
i remember when this shit fist came out i had an EG Hatch mosty stock and everyone wanted to run. the races here in SD were the shit. half of this was filmed in SD the other in LA.


07 BMW 328Xi
DC2Integ said:
i remember when this shit fist came out i had an EG Hatch mosty stock and everyone wanted to run. the races here in SD were the shit. half of this was filmed in SD the other in LA.
do you see his teg around town?


I ♥ My Integra
no that fool greg was in LA same with the guy eugene. i met both of them in real life though. eugene has a ahop called prostreet motors and he dose all kinds of crazy shit with hondas. greg, the guy with the teg has come out in different movies like this wierd racing movie called streets of legend. he also had a small appearence in the first fast and the furious at race wars you could see his turbo CRX. eugene is a cool guy greg is kinday cocky and thinks hes the shit. IMO a ITB LSVTEC teg should smoke alot more rides he cant even drive his own shit. RHD pwns him.
