tint job


20% is your best friend, light enough to see out day and night, but dark enough for some privacy at night. any darker and its to your discretion. personally, i love 5% all around with 20% over the whole front windshield. can we say heat blocker!!!! i never pay more than 120 for tinits, and thats for everything. and since i learned ho to do it, ill never go to a shop again except for tinit removal, which i refuse to do.


New Member
I got mine done for $120 for 5 windows, had to remove the 3 back tint. 22% front, 13% back BUT I got pulled over the 2nd day I had the tint and got a fix it ticket for having front tints. Grrr...a waste of money. I was pretty bummed out.


new driver
well the lawz 35% max on front side windows down here...unless u have $$ to keep getting it redone of course...
