This Type R spoiler any good?


New Member
Not sure if this is the place to be asking but I saw this carbon fiber type R spoiler and it was for only $175 on and on like passwordjdm and other sites there like $200-300 so just wanted u guys ideas on if it is safe to buy this or not

Heres the site and the picture of it

Thanks and sorry if wrong area to post.


Well-Known Member
pwjdm is way too high in prices on a lot of things....

it looks fine to me.... did you check on shipping? that may be the kicker because i wanna say password and most other sites offer free shipping on items over 100 or something like that


New Member
I think they offer free shipping to 48 states in the US so just kinda wondering because free shipping and under 200 for a CF spoiler but thanks for the info


Negative Ned
Going to look ricey unless you have a ton of other CF....which will probably be pretty ricey lol.

Go with OEM and color match it.


New Member
lol ok well my plan was to also grab a CF hood also but now that u mention it it probably would look really ricey hahaha